Upcoming Events
Building Resilience Training – 5th March 2025 - (3-5:30pm at Mid Kent College) Book your space here
Young Medway are partnering with Medway Youth Service to deliver a range of youth work training every month! Upcoming sessions can be booked on Eventbrite.
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January Networking Event
Find out what happening at Young Medway's January Networking event
Thanks to everyone who came to our January networking event at Dragon CoWorking last Wednesday. The session was joined by Young Lives Foundation, Carers First, Medway Voluntary Action, Future Coders, Medway Council Youth Service and Sports Connect, as well as visitors from Lyrici Arts. Our Opportunities Marketplace heard from Medway Voluntary Action about the Power of Youth consultation about youth volunteering, as well as the Joy social prescribing app. Sports Connect spoke about work Post-16 work they are developing at the Anchorian’s Football Club site. Carers First shared about their role supporting young carers, including mentoring availability and what they have on offer for carers. Young Lives Foundation spoke about their work with care experienced young people. FutureCoders discussed projects that support young people’s learning about coding and developing skills in with new technology. Lyrici Arts shared information about upcoming theatre productions Belongings, which deals with the experiences and feelings of children not living with their birth families and Soul Food telling stories about family, about food, about love, about history and identity.
Following the Opportunities Marketplace, Roy from Medway Youth Service led a discussion on young people and resilience. This was recorded and analysed using Otter AI. Key points included the importance of coping mechanisms, understanding brain processes, and addressing underlying issues. Participants shared personal stories that highlighted the resilience of young people facing various challenges and traumas. The conversation emphasised the need for supportive environments, positive reinforcement, and co-production with young people. Participants stressed the importance of recognising young people's potential, providing safe spaces, and celebrating success stories. They also called for more positive media representation and professional approaches that consider cultural and individual perspectives.
Learning from the conversations highlights it is important for organisations working with young people to:
- Explore ways to involve young people more in co-producing initiatives and sharing their own stories.
- Seek opportunities to celebrate and share positive examples of young people's achievements.
- Consider looking at issues from different cultural and value-based perspectives when working with young people.
The detail and observations from these conversations will inform the Build Resilience training sessions from 3-5:30pm on the 5th March. Please book a ticket on Eventbrite to learn more.
We are also partnering with Medway Council Youth Service to offer monthly training on everything youth work. All upcoming sessions can be booked here.

Young Medway 2nd AGM and Networking Event
Young Medway’s AGM and Networking Evening: A Big Thank You to Our Supporters On Tuesday 24th September Young Medway celebrated its 2nd AGM, bringing together 40 representatives from local youth organisations. We want to take a moment to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended Young Medway’s AGM and networking evening last night. The event was a fantastic success, and we were thrilled to see so many familiar faces alongside new supporters. Your presence and participation were highly appreciated and helped create a wonderful atmosphere for everyone involved. A special mention must go to former Mayor, Cllr Nina Gurung, who generously chose Young Medway as one of her nominated charities during her Mayoral year. We were deeply honoured by her support and the incredible contribution of £3,143 she raised for us! This donation will significantly contribute to our work, ensuring we can continue to make a difference for the young people of Medway. We were also very pleased to be joined by Justin Watson from the Young People's Foundation Trust who gave an update on the national picture and encouraged us to think about what might be possible for Young Medway in the future. If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a trustee for Young Medway, we’d love to hear from you. Please reach out, and we can arrange a conversation to discuss this exciting opportunity further. At the meeting Elly Heaton from Young Ealing YPF supported us to start a SWOT analysis to help us understand how Young Medway can best respond to the needs of our members. You can contribute using the below link.
Contribute to the SWOT analysis
Young Medway's First Birthday!
Join us at Young Medway's first birthday and AGM
This November Young Medway will be celebrating its first birthday and holding its AGM on the 2nd November 2023 from 7-9pm at McLeods Restaurant, Mid Kent College, Gillingham. Please join us to find out more about the organisation and have your say in its future development.
Before there AGM we will running at networking event about training, access to funding, marketing and safeguarding. This will be an excellent opportunity to meet other youth organisations and learn from their experience.
We will be joined by speakers who will be talking about their experiences of developing similar organisations in London and there will be opportunities for networking and light refreshments.
Book your space