Young Medway membership

Young Medway is here to help you, but to do this well, we need you to be involved.

  • Come to our Young Medway Member meetings
  • Join the discussion
  • Help plan practical steps that make a real difference to children and young people in Medway.

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Following last year's consultation with members we developed our priorities for the year

Goal #1 Collaboration
This year, we will be holding three themed networking events – Young Medway Member Meetings – where members can meet other people who share their goals and explore ideas. We will do all we can to promote and facilitate collaboration.
Goal #2 Influence
Medway Council is a partner of Young Medway, and has helped in our development. Because of this special relationship, Members have opportunities to talk to council officers and local politicians, including The Mayor, the Portfolioholder for Medway Council Children’s Services, and the Operations Manager from Medway Youth Services.
Senior officers from the NYA sit on our Board of Trustees, and are at most events.
One of our key strengths is our affiliation with the YPFTrust who are able to represent our members at national level.
Goal #3 Opportunities for young people
We are talking to talking to partners and developing a strategy for youth involvement, and hope to make some announcements soon, thanks to a Colyer Ferguson Charities Trust grant we have just received.
How can you help?
Do you have some young people who might be interested in photographing our events for a financial reward? Or helping us out in other ways? Let us know, and we can discuss.

GOAL#4 A one-stop shop for Medway’s youth organisations
Our mission is to strengthen Medway’s youth organisations by supporting them to help deliver high-quality, effective, safe, and inclusive youth work for young people. Here’s how we are working to improve your membership experience.
• Improving our website including a calendar of events and up to date news
• Sharing quality assured resources and links for CPD and training
• Sharing a directory of services and local organisations
• Responding to current issues and challenges
• Information to help find and book local venues
• Upcoming forum for you to digitally connect with members
• Arranging training sessions to answer specific needs identified by our members

How can you help?

Do you have ideas for future training opportunities you would like
to see? Do you have any particular skills or experiences you could
share? Have you got any space that another organisation could use?
Have you got a desk you could rent, or a hall that’s underused?
Membership form