Medway Youth Service
Medway Youth Service works with young people 8–19 years old (25 for those with a disability) offering somewhere to go, something to do and someone to talk to in their leisure time. It delivers a range of social, sports, creative and fun activities, supporting young people to learn new skills and socialise in a safe, positive way. Youth Service activities are co-created with young people, involving them in planning and developing projects that support them to tackle issues that concern them. We aim to reduce barriers that might prevent young people in engaging in our service and will always attempt to find ways to include young people regardless of their confidence, background or ability. The Youth Service works with internal external partners to provide pathways to targeted and specialist support.
We aim to provide:
Inspiring activities each session, including sports, arts and personal development.
Events where young people meet, compete and collaborate with each other
Residential and other trips to boost confidence and broaden horizons
Targeted programmes for young people at risk (i.e. child sexual exploitation, children who are missing from home or are and children involved with gangs)